My aunt called me yesterday and while we were talking the subject came up that I was looking for old lace and trim for my dolls. She stated that somewhere around her house she knew she had some old rick rack. This morning she called and said she had found it but couldnt remember where she got it. She cleans houses for a living and alot of those clients give her things so she assumed thats where it came from. She brought it over a earlier today and told me that while she was at my grandmas this morning she showed her this rickrack.
Well the rickrack is handmade lace done by my great great grandma. Years ago we moved my grandma to town. During the packing there was a old trunk of her grandmothers things on the back porch. Photos, cards, odds and ends. They threw out alot of things that were damaged and packed some things in an old lockbox my great great grandpa had built for his wife. About 10 years ago grandma went through this box and gave her children each some of the things inside. My aunt was given a bag full of things and among this was the lace. My aunt had packed it away and forgot about it until I said something. My grandma said her granmother died in 1935 at the age of 95. She said that she figured her grandma made the lace in the 1800s because she didnt think her grandma was able to do needlework in her later years due to arthritis.
The card the lace is wrapped around is just a plain piece of cardboard but I dont know if the writing is plain in the picture but in pencil it has 3 1/2 yards written down. I told my grandma I didnt think I could use this on one of my dolls since it was really a family heirloom. My grandma informed me that it needs to be used her grandma made it to be used but that maybe one of the dolls wearing a dress with this lace could be kept in the family.
I try to use vintage lace on my dolls, by vintage Im talking 1950-1960. Not antique lace handmade by my great great grandma in the 1800s. The lace is a little stained, yellowed but I cant find any holes or tears or anything, I dont know how because it was not in any packaging or protected after it was removed from that lockbox. I cant begin to understand how long it took her to make this lace. Im just going to look at it and cherish it for now.
Kim I have some of that lace!!! I got it at a flea market in black though, very very pretty stuff!!!
Thank you, Ive been looking on Ebay and Etsy I may buy some from there to use on my dolls. I cant use the lace my grandmother gave me yet, I cringe at the thought of cutting it.